Overview of my 3mm Cold War Armies


I am currently (since late October 2024) in the process of reorganizing and rebasing my entire Cold War troops.

When i started this project more than 10 years ago, laser cut MDF bases were not that readily (and cheap) available like they are now. So back then i used plastic tokens usually meant for funfairs. While these did the job and were affordable, i never really enjoyed them very much – mostly due to their round corners. I also improved quite well in terms of painting skills and techniques, so an overhaul was due at some point.

While, over the years, MDF bases became cheaper, i always thought about rebasing. Not an easy enterprise considering i own about 400 bases as of now. So i never did it. Recently though, when i started to build storage and transport trays, i also reworked all the TO&E, corrected some mistakes and decided it was finally time since i had to add more units anyways and it would be a shame to build trays that might not fit anymore when i rebase at a later date. So i decided for the long road, did test-bases, stripped my minis, primed them and added oil wash, designed new labels and started to prepare bases.

This process of rebasing (both my West German and Soviet troops) will likely take quite a while. I doubt i will be done before winter 2025 or early 2026.

This article will be my work-in-progress list to check what i got finished. It will also act as an overview of my whole troops and their structure. The unit names will link to each of the detailed unit articles once i create them.

Units fully finished will be marked with a green dot.

NATO armies

West German Army (“Bundeswehr”)

1st Tank Division

Divisional assets
  • Army aviation squadron 1 (“Heeresfliegerstaffel 1”) / Celle-Wietzenbruch
  • Armored Recon Battalion 1 (“Panzeraufklärungsbataillon 1”) / Braunschweig-Kralenriede
  • Anti-Aircraft Regiment 1 (“Flugabwehrregiment 1”) / Langenhagen
  • Engineer Battalion (“Pionierbataillon 1”) / Holzminden
  • Infantry Battalion 16 (“Jägerbataillon 16”) / Minden
  • Infantry Battalion 17 (“Jägerbataillon 17”) / Giesen-Ahrbergen
1st Artillery Regiment (“Artillerieregiment 1”)
  • Support Battery (Anti-Aircraft-Artillery) (“Begleitbatterie”) / Steyerberg
  • Field Artillery Battalion (“Feldartilleriebataillon 11”) / Hannover-Sahlkamp
  • Rocket Artillery Battalion (“Raketenartilleriebataillon 11”) / Nienburg-Langendamm
  • Observation Battalion (“Beobachtungsbataillon 13”) / Wolfenbüttel
1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade (“Panzergrenadierbrigade 1”)
  • Brigade Recon Platoon (“Brigadespähzug”) / Braunschweig-Kralenriede
  • Anti-Tank Company 10 (“Panzerjägerkompanie 10”) / Hildesheim
  • Armored Engineer Company 10 (“Panzerpionierkompanie 10”) / Holzminden
  • Mechanized Infantry Battalion 11 (“Panzergrenadierbataillon 11”) / Hildesheim
  • Mechanized Infantry Battalion 12 (“Panzergrenadierbataillon 12”) / Osterode am Harz
  • Mechanized Infantry Battalion 13 (“Panzergrenadierbataillon 13”) / Wesendorf
  • Tank Battalion 14 (“Panzerbataillon 14”) / Hildesheim
  • Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion 15 (“Panzerartilleriebataillon 15”) / Stadtoldendorf
2nd Tank Brigade (“Panzerbrigade 2”)
  • Brigade Recon Platoon (“Brigadespähzug”)
  • Anti-Tank Company 20 (“Panzerjägerkompanie 20”)
  • Armored Engineer Company 20 (“Panzerpionierkompanie 20”)
  • Tank Battalion 21 (“Panzerbataillon 21”)
  • Mechanized Infantry Battalion 22 (“Panzergrenadierbataillon 22”)
  • Tank Battalion 23 (“Panzerbataillon 23”)
  • Tank Battalion 24 (“Panzerbataillon 24”)
  • Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion 25 (“Panzerartilleriebataillon 25”)
3rd Tank Brigade (“Panzerbrigade 3 Weser-Leine”)

This brigade was stationed in the cities of Nienburg (along the river Weser) and Neustadt am Rübenberge (along the river Leine). Hence the suffix “Weser-Leine”.

  • Brigade Recon Platoon (“Brigadespähzug”)
  • Anti-Tank Company 30 (“Panzerjägerkompanie 30”)
  • Armored Engineer Company 30 (“Panzerpionierkompanie 30”)
  • Tank Battalion 31 (“Panzerbataillon 31”)
  • Mechanized Infantry Battalion 32 (“Panzergrenadierbataillon 32”)
  • Tank Battalion 33 (“Panzerbataillon 33”)
  • Tank Battalion 34 (“Panzerbataillon 34”)
  • Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion 35 (“Panzerartilleriebataillon 35”)

WARPAC armies

Soviet Union

207th Motorized Rifle Division

Divisional Assets
33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment (BTR)
41st Motorized Rifle Regiment (BMP)
400th Motorized Rifle Regiment (BMP)
16th Guard Tank Regiment
693rd Artillery Regiment
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