Mayhem Fantasy Mass Rules Cover Art

Review – Mayhem mass battle fantasy wargaming rules

3mm miniatures are perfect for mass battles. I was looking for a suitable fantasy rules set every now and then but never found something checking all marks.

This changed lately when i came across the Mayhem fantasy rules set by Brent Spivey.

Let us take a deep look at the rules set that opened the door to fantasy wargaming for me.

Front cover of the Fistful of TOWs 3 miniature tabletop rules

Fistful of TOWs 3 – a rules review

Fistful of TOWs 3 (or short FFT3), is a very powerful rules system for 20th and 21st century engagements of roughly company to brigade size. In the book you will find everything to play battles from World War 2 through the Arab-Israeli era, Vietnam, the Cold War right to ultra-modern times.
In this review, we will go through all aspects of the book. If you are into realistic battles set in modern times, you’ll for sure learn to love it as much as i do.

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